Born  in Walmer, a small fishing village on the south Kent coast in 1978 I attended the local primary school where my love of drawing was apparent. It was noted that I was rarely seen without a pad and pencil scrbbling away and trying to perfect my latest 'masterpiece'. This passion continued through secondary school, St.Edmunds in Canterbury, where I developed a keen interest in portraiture, creating caricatures of my classmates and learning the basic rudements of anatomy to assist with proportions. About the time I left St. Edmunds an insurgance of Conceptual art seemed to be flooding the top galleries in London, so being a bit green to the conceptual art movement hedged my bets chose to study the social sciences at Thanet college in Broadstairs; Pschology, Sociology and Biology, as a means to get a job in the same field and view my artwork as more of a hobby rather than a 'conceptual' career. During went on to study at Lincoln University